Due to the volatile economic situation in the country and multiple restrictions, needy children, their families, and lonely elderly are in a critical situation. Thanks to the financial support of our partners, numerous campaigns have been carried out to distribute food packages to the neediest families in the Republic of Moldova.
Thanks to our coordinators and volunteers, 1,502 food parcels were distributed. The total weight of the distributed food packages was 24,783 kg.
On behalf of all beneficiaries, we would like to express a huge gratitude to the sponsors of these wonderful campaigns: “Help for Children in Need” (Switzerland), “Menschen Helfen e.V.” (Germania), Commune Baar (through Priest Erwin Benz) (Switzerland), “Hilfswerk Liechtenstein e.V. "(Liechtenstein), Zuehlke family (Switzerland), Franziskusgemeinschaft (Austria), Huber family (Switzerland). Thank you for not forgetting the needy from Moldova and for continuing to do this noble work. God bless you!
From theory to practice
Sewing courses have been held since the opening of the Day Centre for Children “Saint Mary” in Grigorauca, Singerei district, and have been visited for many years by children who want to learn the finer points of sewing. Under the supervision of the teacher, 36 children are currently attending the course, twelve of whom can already work independently on a sewing machine. The girls sew with great enthusiasm and joy at the sewing machines in the centre; at home they do not have the opportunity to practice because their parents cannot afford such devices.
Thanks to the financial help of "Menschen Helfen e.V." Seehausen, Germany, President Dr. Robert Roithmeier, six new sewing machines were purchased. Now girls are allowed to take their sewing machines home with them and practice their favorite occupation there.
From something in mind to something in kind
During his traditional visit to Moldova, including in the Grigorauca commune, the President of "Menschen Helfen e.V.", Dr. Robert Roithmeier (Germany) had a conversation with the mayor of Grigorauca about the sharp rise in coal and firewood prices. At the end of this discussion, he promised to provide thirty needy families in the commune with the fuel they need. No sooner said than done! A week later, the first families received heating materials. To date, all 30 families have received coal and firewood; so, they can now overcome the winter cold.
Visit of “Menschen Helfen e. V.” in Moldova
Representatives of the organization "Menschen Helfen e.V.", Dr. Robert Roithmeier, Dr. Stefanie Walter, Mrs. Stephanie Neumeir-Schrank and Mr. Leo Schrank (Germany) visited the Republic of Moldova again after a long break. During their short visit they could see different projects, including BUNVOLENTIA projects carried out in the school in the village Petrovca, Singerei district. Thanks to their financial support, one of the numerous projects could be implemented here. The guests also visited the day center for children "Saint Maria" in Grigorauca, which activity they have supported for 15 years. During this visit the representatives got acquainted with the new management of the center and discussed the activities of the DCC during the pandemic. In the course of the meeting, plans for the further development of the center and the implementation of new charitable projects to help the neediest families in Grigorauca in winter were agreed. For a long-term contribution to the physical and mental development of the children and the community in general, the Mayor of Grigorauca presented to Dr. Roithmeier the diploma of honorary citizen. Unfortunately, due to the serious epidemiological situation, the children were not present at the day center this time. Nevertheless, the guests are very impressed by the seen and are planning their next visit to Moldova with a great pleasure.
Because people need the help of their mates
This year many hydrangea wreaths were again made by skillful hands under the direction of Mrs. Magdalene Böckmann. These wreaths were sold at the weekly market in Gladbeck and at other locations in the city.
The proceeds will be used to support the poorest people in Moldova.
Due to the income from the sale of more than 50 hydrangea wreaths, the PRO MOLDAVIA e.V. campaign "Bread for the Breadless" was able to offer help, especially to the elderly, who will never forget this. God bless you!
Mr. Fritz Wallner visits Moldova
Since the founding of PRO UMANITAS, priest Hans Bock (d. 04.01.2021) had supported various PU projects with his parish Schierling in Bavaria / Germany, as well as with donators from other localities; Fritz Wallner always worked closely with him. That is why Mr. Wallner would like to continue this noble activity in memory of his friend priest Bock, but also because the seen projects convinced him to do this. During his visiting days there were meetings with children and those responsible for projects in Grigorauca, Gangura, Petrovca, Copaceni and Mihailovca. He was very happy that the memory of priest Bock can be seen and felt everywhere. He was also very impressed by the warm and friendly atmosphere that he was able to experience in every location. He was also amazed by the excellent equipment, furniture and conditions. He thanked the numerous employees, the coordinators, teachers, headmasters, cooks and many others for their work for the benefit of the needy children and the elderly. He wished the children that they would always enjoy learning and playing, and that they would also have great experiences with their friends and feel trust in God. Mr. Wallner assured that he would report in details about his positive impressions at home; and he hopes that the successful partnership between Schierling and PU will be continued in the future in the spirit of Christian charity.
“CHESS ACADEMY” for children from BUNVOLENTIA Petrovca and Vladimirovca
October 5, 2021 was a day full of great experiences and emotions for the children of the projects BUNVOLENTIA Vladimirovca and Petrovca. The centers were visited by the president of the "CHESS ACADEMY BOLOGAN", the international chess grandmaster Viorel Bologan. The grandmaster, who knew about the children's interest in playing chess and the results of the chess championship in Singerei district, talked about his path to success and how he gained chess experience. So, he motivated the children to improve themselves in this game. After the official opening of the Petrovca branch of the “CHESS ACADEMY BOLOGAN”, the grandmaster played 20 chess games with the children of the BUNVOLENTIA projects at the same time. He admired the skills of the players and wished them success in the art of chess and good luck in the various tournaments. He also gave them chessboards and books on chess that he wrote and edited by himself as gifts.
Day Centre for Children "Saint Maria" is becoming even more welcoming
The organization Menschen Helfen e.V. (President Dr. Roithmeier), Germany, has been supporting the activities of the day centre for children “Saint Maria” in Grigorauca, which is currently attended by 104 needy children, for 15 years. But in addition to the financing of the maintenance of the centre, this year were many supplementary projects aimed at improving the conditions for the children in the day centre. For example, the children received twice food packages in the summer; sport shoes were purchased for training on the football field; the conditions for holding dance courses and courses of puppet theater have been improved; and many other things.
In order to make the children's stay outside even more pleasant, with the consent of Dr. Roithmeier there were planted thujas, which now adorn the territory of the centre. The children took part in the tree planting with great enthusiasm. On behalf of the children, their parents and the employees of the day centre, we would like to thank Menschen Helfen e.V. for their support and for the many years of fruitful cooperation.
New tools and equipment for the vocational centre in Grigorauca
Education is more important now than ever; the educated achieve more and have a more successful career; they are also sought-after specialists. The Vocational Center in Grigorauca is an excellent vocational training institution that has been offering high quality theoretical and practical training since 2005. Over a period of two to six months, the students complete a theoretical and practical course in one of the following professions: computer operator, accountant, seamstress, hairdresser, cook, make-up artist and nail artist.
Since the center also offers practical classes, it needs good, high-quality tools and equipment. Unfortunately, many tools are already outdatet, and some of them are malfunctioning now. Thanks to the support of the Solon Foundation (Canada) it was possible to renew them. Now the vocational centre in Grigorauca has all the necessary tools and equipment to offer the students a high-quality education. God bless you!
The kitchen wing of the school in Petrovca has been renovated
The poor and unsanitary conditions in the kitchen wing of the school in Petrovca demanded a renovation. Thanks to the financial support of priest Hans Bock (through Catholic Parish Schierling), Germany, this problem was solved, and all the necessary work was carried out: dismantling the old and installing a new water supply and sewage system, laying new tiles on the walls and on the floor, purchase and installation of new kitchen equipment as well as other smaller works. It should be mentioned that earlier a new ventilation system has already been installed in this kitchen wing. And thanks to the financial support of priest Erwin Benz, Switzerland, new furniture could be purchased for the dining room.
New furniture for BUNVOLENTIA Vladimirovca
The day center for children BUNVOLENTIA 14 Vladimirovca was opened in 2010. The doors of this day center have been open for 11 years to the neediest children from the village Vladimirovca, Singerei district. For the project and for the work process, the BUNVOLENTIA center has two classrooms, and the children are divided into two groups depending on their age and interests. The purchase of new individual school desks and chairs in 2020 created more favorable conditions for children; this is particularly important during the pandemic. But the rest of the furniture in the center also had to be replaced. It has been used since the school was founded; so, its condition was unsatisfactory.
Thanks to the financial support of the organization “Help for Children in Need” (HCN), Switzerland, new furniture was purchased.
On behalf of the school management, teachers, and children, we thank you for the help.
Bishop Leon Dubravsky visits Moldova
Despite many commitments, Bishop Leon Dubravsky (Ukraine) found time for a short visit to Moldova. During this visit he found out about the current projects of PRO UMANITAS. The ongoing projects in Ukraine, which can be realized due to the financial support of Priest Erwin Benz (Switzerland) and through the mediation of the President of PRO UMANITAS, were also discussed.
Maintenance and servicing is simply part of it...
In connection with the renovation of the sports hall, the laying of new flooring in the school in Petrovca, Singerei district, which, however, requires special care, maintenance and servicing become very important. In order to facilitate the cleaning work for the technical staff of the school, on the initiative of Priest Erwin Benz and financial support of the Catholic Parish Baar (Switzerland) a cleaning machine as well as the necessary cleaning equipment, materials and agents were purchased. Today, the floor is washed four times faster and the water consumption is five times lower. The entire cleaning process is mechanized and manual work is reduced to a minimum. It is worth mentioning that the floors in the corridors as well as in the other rooms of the school can be cleaned with the same equipment.
The school management and the technical staff are very grateful for this great help.
Food packages for the neediest people in Moldova
As always in August, all day centers for children are on vacation; this means that the children are not there in the last month of summer and therefore do not receive any delicious and nutritious meals. In order to provide the children with food at home, a campaign to distribute food packages was carried out at the end of July. A total of 443 children from the projects BUNVOLENTIA and day center for children “St. Maria” received packages with basic food. Such packages were also given to 36 especially needy elderly people. A total of 8 622 kg of food products was distributed.
We would like to thank the organizations “Help for Children in Need”, President Mr. Peter Garst (Switzerland) and “Menschen helfen e.V.”, President Dr. Robert Roithmeier (Germany) for this campaign.
Long awaited meeting
Today the long-awaited meeting with the sponsored families took place; all families were very happy to see the dear guests; their arrival was a real surprise for the families. So it was once again a nice meeting. Mrs. Honeck was able to hand over the money to the needy families; they were very grateful for the great support.
Mrs. Ursula Honeck in Petrovca and Grigorauca
Mrs. Ursula Honeck, President of “Hilfe für Osteuropa e. V.” (HFO), visited Petrovca and Grigorauca, Singerei district. Not so long ago HFO provided a substantial aid to a young family with two small children after a fire; in Grigorauca a house was bought and thoroughly renovated for the family. This year HFO also supported the renovation of the sports hall in the Petrovca school. All beneficiaries were very happy to meet Mrs. Honeck personally; so, they had the opportunity to express their sincere thanks for the timely help. God bless her!
Warm floors for the children in Petrovca
During the 26 years of the existence of Petrovca school, there has never been a major renovation or renewal here. In the meantime, the flooring in the classrooms had become more than deplorable; the old linoleum should have been replaced long ago.
Thanks to the support of Priest Erwin Benz, Mrs. Brigitta Walder, the Bischof-Bär family, Mrs. Gloria Rickenbacher and Mr. Marcel Dora (all from Switzerland) we were able to purchase and install 395 square meters of high-quality laminate - a Swiss product by the way, as well as the other necessary materials for installing the laminate. The costs for the preparatory work and the laying of the laminate were paid by the Singerei district council. On behalf of all the children and the teachers of the school, we would like to thank all sponsors of the project for their helpfulness; God bless you!
15 years of HCN service for needy children from Moldova
BUNVOLENTIA projects have been implementing in the Republic of Moldova since 2006. They are day centers for needy children in, that give students the opportunity to develop a wide range of creative skills after their school classes. The uniqueness of these projects lies in the fact that the children receive a square hot meal every day and are also entitled to individually choose which occupation they want to devote themselves to. Here they may crochet, embroider with glass beads, make various compositions from stuff and paper, burn on plywood, saw out objects from plywood, have various outdoor activities and many other things.
Another distinctive feature of the BUNVOLENTIA day centers is that even after the end of the school year, during the summer holidays, children may continue to visit the day centers, which are still functioning as usual, receive a warm lunch and do their favorite activities.
Today there are 16 such projects in different villages and districts of the country. They are visited by 397 children from the neediest families.
We would like to express our sincere thanks to the employees of the BUNVOLENTIA projects and the main sponsor - the organization “Help for Children in Need” (HCN), President Peter Garst, Switzerland - for their care and compassion for children.
Renovated sports hall for children from Petrovca
The condition of the sports hall and the ancillary rooms (changing rooms, showers and storage rooms for sports equipment) in the school in Petrovca in Singerei district was more than shocking: the floor, walls and ceiling needed urgent renovation. Water often seeped into the sports hall through the roof, which was only renewed in 2019, when it rained heavily. Consequently, moisture and mold appeared in the premises, which had a negative impact on the health of the children.
Mrs. Brigitta Walder (CH), Priest Erwin Benz (CH), “Hilfe für Osteuropa e. V." (President Mrs. Ursula Honeck, Germany), Catholic parish Schierling (through Mr. Fritz Wallner, Germany) and the Borter family (CH) came to the rescue. Thanks to their support we were able to remove the old floor covering and lay a new one, repair and whitewash walls and ceilings, install window protection nets, basketball boards and baskets and replace many other things. The costs for the renovation of the ancillary rooms were taken over by the Singerei district council.
On behalf of all children and the teaching staff, we would like to express our sincere thanks to all partners. God bless you for all the good you are doing for the needy children from Moldova.
Renewed sports hall in Iezarenii Vechi
The sports hall of Iezarenii Vechi gymnasium, Singerei district, has not been renovated since the building was constructed in 1974. Its condition was corresponding; this hindered physical education classes significantly. Thanks to the help of Priest Erwin Benz (Switzerland), the situation has fundamentally changed. The necessary materials - including a special flooring - were purchased and the crucial construction work could be carried out. This created excellent conditions for the children and their sporting activities. God bless him!
Help comes - as always - on time
The alimentation of children is a top priority for us and our partners. In summer, when the school and the school canteen are closed, those children who attend the day center "Saint Maria" in Grigorauca do not have any warm meals. The organization "Menschen helfen e. V." (President Dr. Roithmeier, Germany) took care of these children and made possible to realize the first stage of the campaign of purchasing and distribution of food packages (the second similar stage will take place in August of this year). 114 grateful children received packages with all basic foods; the total weight of a food package was ca. 18 kg.
Unforgettable impressions on Children's Day
International Children's Day - also known as World Children's Day - is celebrated on the first day of summer in over 145 countries. This is an opportunity to celebrate the most beautiful period in human life - childhood. It is also an opportunity to support children, show them appreciation and contribute to their well-being. This wonderful day was also celebrated by the children of the BUNVOLENTIA day centers and the day center “Saint Maria” in Grigorauca. The entertainment program of the day was diverse. Sports competitions and various events were held in the open air for all children; so, they also had the opportunity to show their talents and abilities. In recognition of this, they received a pack with delicious sweets.
Victory of the children from Vladimirovca
In the 2020/21 school year, the majority of the children from BUNVOLENTIA Vladimirovca center wanted to play chess. So, in addition to their activities at the center, they learned to play it. On May 29, 2021, a chess championship took place among the schools of the Singerei district. The results of this championship surprised us all; the children got first and third places. These children will also take part in the Chess Championship of the Republic of Moldova. We congratulate all children of the BUNVOLENTIA Vladimirovca center and wish them success for the next stage!
Solon Foundation has been in Moldova for 15 years
The Solon Foundation (Switzerland / Canada) has been supporting students from low-income families for higher education since 2006. For 15 years, Solon has offered 267 students the opportunity to attend the universities of the Republic of Moldova and obtain a University Diploma. Since 2018, the Solon Foundation has also been supporting students of colleges, vocational schools and vocational centres. This way 93 students from needy families were able to receive a Diploma of Non-University Level Higher Education.
All project beneficiaries are infinitely grateful for the support, which opened up new horizons for them and enabled them to find a good job and to work for the good of society.
Annual general meeting of PRO UMANITAS
Due to the current epidemiological situation, the annual general meeting of the Charity Association PRO UMANITAS (PU) was held online. The President of PU, Mr. Vladimir Nadkrenicinii, reported the members about the Association’s activity during the year 2020. Information on the results of the year was also presented by representatives of the Revision Commission and Supervisory Committee. Within the meeting the annual budget and annual activity plan 2021 were approved.
The problem of water supply is finally solved
The day centre for children BUNVOLENTIA Cojusna is located in Cojusna village, Straseni district, and is attended by 40 children from needy families. This area has no central water system. Since there was little rain in 2020, the water level in the well that supplies the center with water has dropped to dangerously low level; and there was hardly enough water. The center had to buy bottled water for six months to meet demand.
Thanks to the help of CORAFORA FOUNDATION (Switzerland - Liechtenstein) it became possible to deepen the well by five meters, thus solving the serious problem of water shortage. May God bless you!
Creativity knows no obstacles
Schools across the country are often closed in the present circumstances. Students are the first who suffer. However, their creativity and inventiveness are so great that they can get through and cope with this hard time. At home, children keep doing what they love and creating beautiful and great things. The teachers encourage the students' initiatives and are always ready to help and support the children. A video, which we are happy to pass on and recommend to you, tells about the activities our children do at home and in the day centre for children.
Easter joy for the elderly
Easter is an important holiday that is supposed to enliven the faith. Easter gives both peace of mind and joy in living. The elderly have the opportunity to experience these feelings and enjoy this time. Gifts with many important foods were distributed to 34 elderly people in the village Grigorauca, Singerei district; they are very grateful for these gifts. God bless you!
The children do not stand aside!
Even if the children are not allowed to frequent schools or our BUNVOLENTIA centers, they do not miss the opportunity to congratulate their beloved mothers, grandmothers, sisters and aunts on Women's Day! At home the children make beautiful gifts with love and enthusiasm; The educators help them providing with the materials and tools and - if necessary - also giving them good advice.
The Gallery was updated
- Day care centers for children BUNVOLENTIA 2019;
- Day Care Center for Children “St. Maria” in Grigorauca 2019;
- New roof for gymnasium Petrovca, Singerei district;
- Insulation of the gymnasium Petrovca, Singerei district;
- Day care centers for children BUNVOLENTIA 2020;
- Day Care Center for Children “St. Maria” in Grigorauca 2020;
- Food packages for needy people from Moldova during the Coronavirus pandemic;
- COVID-19: Purchasing of school desks for 16 day care centers for children in Moldova;
- Emergency aid for a young family after a fire.
Do not forget your fellowmen
The COVID-19 virus has been burdening us for a year. During this time, people around the world had to submit to certain rules and restrictions to face the pandemic; and the fight goes on.
At such a time it is particularly important to think of those for whom the pandemic is a particularly great burden. The children who frequent day care center for children "Saint Maria" in Grigorauca have decided to help needy villagers. The girls sew protective masks and the boys distribute them to the neediest families and the elderly. In this way, the children provide important and valuable help to their fellow villagers.
As always ready to bring joy
Many families and especially old people have great financial difficulties; often they live at or even below the poverty line. This is especially challenging now during the COVID-19 pandemic. We were able to shed some light on thirty of the poorest families from the village Grigorauca, Singerei district, by bringing them food parcels with various types of porridge (rice, barley soup, buckwheat, wheat, oatmeal), pasta, sugar, oil, vegetables, etc.
This wonderful action was possible thanks to Franziskusgemeinschaft, Pinkafeld (A); May God bless you!
Love and care know no limits
The coronavirus pandemic still threatens the well-being of people around the world. In our country, needy families are particularly hard hit. Mrs. Ursula Honeck, President of "Hilfe für Osteuropa e. V.", Todtnau (Germany) has been supporting 24 needy families from our country for 26 years. She cannot leave these families without her support and care, even if she cannot currently visit our country.
A meeting was organized with the families today to hand over the financial assistance. All participants of the meeting are infinitely grateful.
In time - as always - Firewood
The period of severe frosts has begun in Moldova. A lot of firewood is required for heating. Ufortunately, poverty in Moldova, intensified by the pandemic economic crisis, makes people freeze because of lack of money to buy firewood. Families with many children which have very low incomes and lonely elderly who have to survive on their meager pensions are particularly affected by this situation.
The organization Hilfswerk Liechtenstein e. V. (President Mrs. Bettina Pelger-Sprenger, Triesen) comes to the rescue in time - as always. The 17 neediest families and seniors received enough firewood for the winter period. All beneficiaries are very grateful for this help. God bless you!
Report of Activity 2020
With great joy, we would like to announce that our annual Report of Activity 2020 is now available on our website under the Reports section.