Current projects of PRO UMANITAS in 2023
PU 423.93.10/23
„Aid for Ukranian refugees“
Partners: Help for Children in Need, Switzerland
Hilfe für Osteuropa Todtnau-Seelscheid e.V., Germany
Catholic Parish Schierling (Fritz Wallner), Germany
Hilfswerk Liechtenstein e.V., Liechtenstein
Menschen Helfen e.V., Germany
PU 423.93.8/23
„Gifts from Saint Nicholas“
Partners: Help for Children in Need, Switzerland
Menschen Helfen e. V., Germany
PU 423.12.14/23
„Heating material for the poorest families of Grigorauca“
Partner: Hilfswerk Liechtenstein e.V., Liechtenstein
HCN B 3/23
PU 423.13.1/23
„Scholarships for students from poor families“
Partners: Help for Children in Need, Switzerland
Solon Foundation, Switzerland
PU 423.20.1/23
„Stimulation of the Day Centre for Children “Saint Mary” in Grigorauca“
Partner: Menschen Helfen e.V., Germany
PU 423.20.1/23.3
„Excursions for the children and employees of the DCC „St. Mary” in Grigorauca“
Partner: Menschen Helfen e.V., Germany
PU 423.20.1/23.4
„Food packages for children of the DCC „St. Mary” in Grigorauca“
Partner: Menschen Helfen e.V., Germany
PU 423.20.1/23.5
„ Heating for the event hall in Grigorauca“
Partner: Menschen Helfen e.V., Germany
PU 423.20.20/23
„Heating material for neediest families in Grigorauca“
Partner: Menschen Helfen e.V., Germany
PU 423.20.22/23
„Food packages campaign for the Christmas holidays 2023 for the children of the DCC “St. Mary” in Grigorauca”
Partner: Menschen Helfen e.V., Germany
PU 423.20.23/23
„Repair and replacement of parts of the PC in DCC “St. Mary” in Grigorauca”
Partner: Menschen Helfen e.V., Germany
PU 423.20.24/23
„ Equipment and other materials for the DCC “St. Mary” in Grigorauca”
Partner: Menschen Helfen e.V., Germany
PU 423.24.23/23
„ Emergency aid projects”
Partners: Ms. Regina Weiss, Germany
Ms. Thea Cleophas, Holland
PU 423.57.2/23
„Social canteen for children from needy families in Grigorauca‘‘
Partners: Priest Erwin Benz, Switzerland
Trilingual Dayschool DEF GmbH, Switzerland
Hilfswerk Liechtenstein e.V., Liechtenstein
PU 423.31.13/23
„Bread for the poorest people in Cozesti, Singerei district‘‘
Partner: Pro Moldavia e.V., Germany
PU 423.31.15/23
„Bread for the poorest people in Homuteanovca, Ialoveni district”
Partner: Pro Moldavia e.V., Germany
PU 423.46.2/23
,,Financial support of families in Moldova‘‘
Partner: Hilfe für Osteuropa Todtnau-Seelscheid e.V., Germany
PU 423.46.6/23
„Food packages for lonely and needy old people from Gangura and Grigorauca”
Partner: Hilfe für Osteuropa Todtnau-Seelscheid e.V., Germany
PU 423.49.7/23
„Emergency aid for poor families”
Partner: Francis Community, Austria
PU 423.57.16/23
„Medicine and treatment for needy people in Moldova”
Partner: Hilfswerk Liechtenstein e.V., Liechtenstein
PU 423.57.25/23
„Relief fund”
Partner: Priest Erwin Benz, Switzerland
PU 423.89.2/23
PU 423.95.1/23
„Financial support for Plesca family from Grigorauca“
Partners: Ms. Bettina Pelger-Sprenger, Liechtenstein
Feulner family, Germany
PU 423.94.1/23
PU 423.95.2/23
„ Repair work at the school in Mihailovca, Singerei district”
Partner: Catholic Parish Schierling (Fritz Wallner), Germany
Mr. Otto Gascher, Germany
Projects „Day Centers for Children BUNVOLENTIA“:
HCN BUN 1/23
Day Centre for Children „BUNVOLENTIA Cojusna”
Partners: CORAFORA Foundation, Switzerland-Liechtenstein
Help for Children in Need, Switzerland
HCN BUN 2/23
Day Center for Children „BUNVOLENTIA Copaceni II”
Partner: Help for Children in Need, Switzerland
HCN BUN 3/23
Day Center for Children „BUNVOLENTIA Alexandrovca”
Partner: Pro Moldavia e.V., Germany
Help for Children in Need, Switzerland
HCN BUN 4/23
Day Center for Children „BUNVOLENTIA Gangura I”
Partner: Help for Children in Need, Switzerland
HCN BUN 5/23
Day Center for Children „BUNVOLENTIA Misovca”
Partner: Help for Children in Need, Switzerland
Rotary Club Zug-Kolin, Switzerland
HCN BUN 6/23
Day Center for Children „BUNVOLENTIA Mihailovca I”
Partner: Help for Children in Need, Switzerland
HCN BUN 7/23
Day Center for Children „BUNVOLENTIA Bilicenii Vechi II“
Partner: Help for Children in Need, Switzerland
HCN BUN 8/23
Day Center for Children „BUNVOLENTIA Cozesti I”
Partner: Help for Children in Need, Switzerland
HCN BUN 9/23
Day Center for Children „BUNVOLENTIA Petrovca”
Partner: Help for Children in Need, Switzerland
HCN BUN 10/23; PU 423.12.3/23
Day Center for Children „BUNVOLENTIA Copaceni I”
Partner: Hilfswerk Liechtenstein e.V., Liechtenstein
HCN BUN 11/23; PU 423.12.2/23
Day Center for Children „BUNVOLENTIA Gangura II“
Partner: Hilfswerk Liechtenstein e.V., Liechtenstein
HCN BUN 12/23
Day Center for Children „BUNVOLENTIA Cozesti II”
Partner: Help for Children in Need, Switzerland
HCN BUN 13/23
Day Center for Children „BUNVOLENTIA Bilicenii Vechi I”
Partner: Help for Children in Need, Switzerland
HCN BUN 14/23
Day Center for Children „BUNVOLENTIA Vladimirovca”
Partner: Help for Children in Need, Switzerland
HCN BUN 15/23
Day Center for Children „BUNVOLENTIA Mihailovca II”
Partner: Help for Children in Need, Switzerland
HCN BUN 16/23
Day Care Center for Children „BUNVOLENTIA Iezarenii Vechi”
Partner: Help for Children in Need, Switzerland
HCN B 2/23
Project „Godchildren“
Partner: Help for Children in Need, Switzerland
Sponsored children and families from Grigorauca and Tiraspol are monthly supported with food products, hygiene items, school accessories, clothing, coal or wood for winter. The local coordinators are responsible for supplying the families.
PU 423.65.8/23
„Day Centre for Elderly "Sfintul Petru", Grigorauca“
Partner: Priest Erwin Benz, Switzerland
Commune Baar, Switzerland
This project provides social and spiritual help to lonely old and poor people from Grigorauca village. The center offers to these lonely people hot meals, watching television and an occupation.
And other small projects.