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Food packages for the poorest
Many families and the elderly in Moldova have a difficult life. They live close to or even below the poverty line. Before Christmas holidays we were able to bring 280 poor families and the elderly from Grigorauca, Gangura, Chisinau and other places of the country a great joy. We could give them food packages with canned goods, sausages, various types of porridge (rice, buckwheat, wheat, oatmeal), pasta, butter, tea, sugar, oil, tomato paste, biscuits, condensed milk, etc.
It was a wonderful action. The needy received the gifts with tears of joy. A great thank goes to the "Hilfe für Osteuropa" Todtnau, Germany, Pro Moldavia e.V., Gladbeck, Germany, Mrs. Regina Weiss, Nettetal, Germany, Mrs. Thea Cleophas, Bielefeld, Holland; these people made this action possible; may God bless them!
Advent meeting in Grigorauca
In Advent period, people are preparing for Christmas. They meet daily for a service and wait for the feast of salvation. Hymns are sung announcing the coming of Christ.
The Rorate mass is held very early in the morning. After that, people go to work, children go to school. Therefore, the churchgoers from Grigorauca receive a good daily breakfast. This way, people can also experience fellowship and come closer to one another. The local pastor participates in the Advent meetings.
This action was supported by Priest Hans Bock, Schierling, Germany.
Saint Nicholas comes on time
The well-known legend says that the St. Nicholas is on the way with his sleigh on the night of December 5th to 6th and fills the shoes and socks of children with small gifts and sweets. For the children who attend our day care centers this is not a legend. Children from needy, socially vulnerable families get surprises, sweet gifts, every year. This time is beloved by girls and boys. They are happy and merry. Their parents are very grateful for this action, because they cannot afford to make such feast to their children.
The Christmas action included 1151 children and was supported by Hilfswerk Liechtenstein, President Mrs. Bettina Pelger-Sprenger, Triesen, und Priest Hans Bock, Schierling, Germany.
Renovated joinery for the children of the day care center "Saint Maria"
The joinery in Grigorauca was opened in 2008. During this time, many children were engaged in the activities of a carpenter. They created many beautiful woodworks, took part in various exhibitions and competitions. In addition, many of our graduates found a job in furniture factories of Moldova. The joinery needed repair. The renovation could be realized this year. The children took part in reparation. After the repair, the joinery is quite comfortable, and children like to spend their time here. We would like to thank Priest Erwin Benz, Switzerland, for the financial support in implementing this project.
Renovation of the Day Care Center for Children BUNVOLENTIA Cojusna
Day care center for children BUNVOLENTIA Cojusna was opened in 2006. 13 years it has been the second home for needy children. This year there was an urgent need to renovate the facade and the rooms of the center, as no repairs have been made so far.
Thanks to the financial support of the family Haenggeli, Switzerland and the organization “Help for Children in Need”, Switzerland, the center has been renovated. The completed works include the construction of a new pavilion and the repair of the facade and the partial repair of the rooms.
Now the center is in a very good condition again and the children can continue their creative activities in the center.
New furniture, kitchen equipment and tableware for schools in Iezarenii Vechi, Ciuciuieni and Mihailovca
The children spend most of the day in gymnasium; therefore, a nutritious lunch is very important for their development.
In many rural gymnasiums, the furniture, kitchen equipment and tableware are old and in bad condition, including gymnasiums in Iezarenii Vechi, Ciuciuieni and Mihailovca.
Thanks to the financial support of Mr. Stefan Kaiser, Mr. Fritz Huber and Priest Erwin Benz, Switzerland, we were possible to renew the kitchen and canteen inventory in these schools.
HCN in Moldova
PRO MOLDAVIA e. V for the Needy from Moldova
In keeping with ERNTEDANK, Magdalene Böckmann from Pro Moldavia e.V, Gladbeck had the idea to make our friends in Moldоva, especially the elderly, happy at this beautiful celebration. Magdalene Böckmann is now on the road to recovery after a long and serious illness, twined together with three ladies hydrangea wreaths. Several days the ladies collected the flowers, sought fruits and dried them and put them together in very beautiful wreaths. It could be collected a nice amount for the action “Bread for the Poorest People” by the sale of 40 hydrangea wreaths. This will be passed to PRO UMANITAS for this project, with many old people taking part in it. A fitting gift of thanks to the Creator at the end of the harvest season, combined with the thought that our fellow human beings in Moldova can also celebrate Thanksgiving Day and give thanks.
The 24th seminar for coordinators and teachers of BUNVOLENTIA centers and day care center “St. Maria”
On October 12, 2019 there was organized the 24th seminar for coordinators and teachers of all 16 day care centers for children BUNVOLENTIA and day care center “St. Maria” in the village Cojusna, region Straseni. It was a wonderful meeting where 28 people took part.
The seminar consisted of two parts. The first part was led by Mrs. Natalia Vlasov, psychologist. She presented a very important topic “Families without borders”. In the second part of the seminar the teachers and coordinators could discuss their problems and wishes.
At the same there was organized a seminar for the accountants.
„Menschen helfen e. V“ are again in Moldova
Insulation of the gymnasium in Petrovca
A new roof for Gymnasium in Petrovca
The Gymnasium was built in 1995. It is frequented by the students from four villages (Petrovca, Vladimirovca, Evghenievca and Antonovca). There are two projects here - BUNVOLENTIA Petrovca (since 2008) and BUNVOLENTIA Vladimirovca (since 2010) which are frequented by 45 needy, socially deprived children.
One of the most serious problems was the problem with roof, which was in a very desolate condition. During raining all rooms inside the gymnasium were becoming wet constantly.
Thanks to the financial support of Mrs. Brigitta Walder (CH), HILFSWERK LIECHTENSTEIN (FL), pastor Hans Bock (through Catholic pastorate Schierling, Germany), priest Erwin Benz (CH), Mrs. Regina Weiss (D) and district council Singerei (MD) we had the opportunity to implement this project. The old roof was dismantled, and a new roof installed, taking into account the seismic characteristics of the area. Ecological material (profile sheet) was used for the covering of the roof. The total roof area is 1720 m2.
At the same time, a system for collecting and removing rainwater was purchased and installed.
Summer is a wonderful time
"Hilfe für Osteuropa e.V." gives great pleasure the needy in Moldova
A pleasant surprise
Feast in Grigorauca
Mr. Dr. Roithmeier met with the grateful beneficiary
The Volcovschii family is a needy family from the village Gangura in the Ialoveni district. Despite the difficult financial situation, they raise three children. In 2016, one of the children, Mihaela Volcovscaia, was in urgent need of eye surgery. "Menschen Helfen e. V" (President Mr. Dr. Robert Roithmeier) Seehausen, Germany, responded to the call for help. The girl had a successful operation, eliminating the problem that Mihaela and her family have been fighting for nine years.
Today, three years later, on the occasion of the visit of the representatives of "Menschen Helfen e. V” in Moldova, Mihaela was able to meet and thank them again.
"Menschen Helfen e. V "visits the projects in Gangura, Ialoveni district
New heating system for gymnasium Mihailovca
Help came on time
Easter action for needy people
The 23rd seminar for coordinators and teachers of BUNVOLENTIA centers and day center “St. Maria”
On March 16, 2019 there was organized the 23rd seminar for coordinators and teachers of all 16 day care centers for children BUNVOLENTIA and day care center “St. Maria” in the village Gangura, region Ialoveni. It was a wonderful meeting where 52 people took part.
The dear guests of the seminar were the families Garst and Hollenstein from Switzerland. Mr. Garst was welcomed as an honorable citizen of Gangura.
The seminar consisted of two parts. The first part was led by Mrs. Natalia Rotaru, psychologist. She presented a very important topic “The causes of bad children’s behavior”. The participants were offered to take part in different activities to show obviously the causes of bad children’s behavior. In the second part of the seminar the teachers and coordinators could discuss their problems and wishes.
At the same there was organized a seminar for the accountants.
HCN in Moldova
A great feast in Grigorauca!
Ventilation system for the school kitchens in the villages Cozeşti, Mihailovca and Misovca
Structural requirements and technical equipment are not surely the most important feature of schools. However, they play a significant role in the good school functioning as well as in the creation of a good work atmosphere. In this way, we have succeeded in installing new ventilation systems in three different kitchens, thereby significantly improving the working conditions of the staff.
This will undoubtedly have a positive effect on nutrition and then probably on pupils - improving the atmosphere from all points of view. The project was successfully implemented with the support of the Local Council and the financial support of the municipality of Baar / Switzerland (through Father Erwin Benz) as well as our professional and organizational support.
“Hilfe fuer Osteuropa e. V” in Moldova
Report of Activity 2018
With great joy, we would like to announce that our annual Report of Activity 2018 is now available on our website under the Reports section.
Food packages for the poorest families
Firewood and coal come on time
The Children are ready for Winter