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Presents under the tree are not a dream any more
„Christmas time – children’s time / Happy faces everywhere. / Candle glance on every tree, / let children dream about the presents.“
Yes, many children from Moldova can only dream about Christmas presents, because their parents do not afford this. However, 1455 children from our projects and the catholic parishes of Moldova delighted themselves by Christmas presents.
We are grateful to our partners and friends: Help for Children in Need / Switzerland, family Thienel / Germany, Hilfswerk Liechtenstein, priest Hans Bock / Germany, Mrs. Christine Leufgen / Germany.
Joy for children from Rotary Club Zug-Kolin, Switzerland
Rotary Club Zug-Kolin, Switzerland always thinks of the children from the villages Misovca, Gangura and Alexandrovca. Thus, a humanitarian transport with clothes, bed linen, woolen blankets, school bags, textiles, embroidery utensils, toys, gumboots and other things was delivered to Moldova. Beneficiaries are first of all the children from our four day care centers BUNVOLENTIA in the commune Gangura. The small ones were pleased on Christmas Eve. The grateful and happy faces of our children are a real reward.
Pro Moldavia e.V. helps the poorest people of Moldova
Fifty poorest old people from 5 villages of Moldova received Christmas packages on Christmas Eve. A Christmas package contains the most necessary basic food. Our local volunteers distributed the packages to the old people. They received the Christmas packages with gratitude.
The local authorities (mayor’s office, social worker) helped to make the list of beneficiaries.
HCN plays the part of the Saint Nicholas
The Saint Nicholas, the benefactor of the children, gave to the small ones not only sweets, but also winter shoes. Altogether 123 children, who were taken in the day care centers BUNVOLENTIA and the day care center „Saint Maria“ this year, received new warm shoes. The Swiss organization „Help for Children in Need“ (HCN) played gladly the role of the Saint Nicholas. The small ones and their parents are very grateful for this gift.
Warm rooms for children in winter
The kindergarten in the Petropavlovca village was reopened in 2000 (it was opened for the first time in 1970 and closed ten years later, because of its poor condition). Different construction works were accomplished with the help of sponsors. But the heating system functioned still inefficiently. There were two heaters; one heater broke in time. Only two rooms, where a group of children slept and played, were heated. In the sanitary facilities, the kitchen and another room were cold. This room was closed. The existing rooms did not permit to accept other children in the kindergarten. The initiator of the project was the local catholic priest Daniel Medves.
Due to the German organization Schmitz-Hille-Stiftung a completely new heating system was installed in the kindergarten and a boiler room was built. With the installation of radiators all rooms are heated. A new children group could be opened.
SOS kindergarten!
The commune Gangura has a big problem: It does not have a kindergarten; thus over 100 children have no pre-school education.
A kindergarten was opened in 1986; it had to be closed 10 years later, since its structural condition was quite deplorable. It could not be repaired at that time. The consequence was that many families moved to other localities, where there is such an offer.
The commune carried out small repair works, as: installation of windows and outer doors, as well as repair of the roofs. Thanks to the assistance of the German organization “Knorr-Bremse Global Care e.V.” and the Swiss organization “Help for Children in Need” the kindergarten could be connected to a new water system. The German organization “Schmitz-Hille-Stiftung” and the Moldovan organization “Südzucker Moldova S.A.” contributed to the repair and equipment of the kitchen. The renovation works of a block, as well as the construction of a boiler-house are in progress.
This repair works make possible the admission of 60 children. However, further renovation measures are necessary, in order to take in all children.
Good news from “Renovabis”, Germany
Dr. Monika Kleck from the German organization „Renovabis“ comes to Moldova to visit the projects of the organization. Dr. Kleck visits also the boarding school for children with slight mental handicap in Straseni. „Renovabis” has already financed through PRO UMANITAS the repair of the kitchen in the boarding school. At the same time she brings good news for the boarding school – the German organization granted the repair of the side rooms in the kitchen block. This project is the last construction project, which closes the rank of the already accomplished projects in the boarding school.
Representatives of “Knorr-Bremse Global Care e.V.” / Germany in Moldova
The representatives of the German organization “Knorr-Bremse Global Care e.V.”, Mrs. Sylvia Bytow-Weissheimer and Mr. Christoph Günter, were for the first time in Moldova. They came on the occasion of the water project in the Gangura commune, Ialoveni district that was financed by the organization. The official opening and blessing of the project took place in very good weather on October 27, 2012. The president of „Help for Children in Need “, Switzerland, Mr. Peter Garst, the Permanent Representative of the German Embassy in Moldova, Mr. Carsten Wilms, the Vice-president of the Ialoveni district, Mr. Bivol Stefan, the Mayor of the Gangura commune, Mr. Basli Ivan, as well as the entire population participated at the event.
The land, the artesian well and the water tower were blessed by the local orthodox priest. The children from the day care centers BUNVOLENTIA and the center „Saint Maria“ delighted the guests with a concert at the end of the celebration.
With this project two villages – Alexandrovca and Gangura – are supplied with drinking water. A representative of the commune expressed her gratitude in name of the whole commune.
The guests from Germany and Switzerland had the possibility to visit two families in the village.
The 21st trip of the President of HCN in Moldova
The president of the Swiss organization „Help for Children in Need“ came to his 21st trip to Moldova. The center of attention of this trip was the official opening of the water project in the Gangura commune, Ialoveni district.
Mr. Garst could also visit many of his day care centers for children BUNVOLENTIA and the day care center for elderly „Sf. Petru“. He officially opened the room for willow plating in the day care center BUNVOLENTIA – Cozesti I. As usual, he was received with joy. Mr. Garst delighted himself by many happy children.
The German guests from “Knorr-Bremse Global Care e.V.” also convinced themselves of the necessity of the day care centers.
The 10th seminar for the day care centers BUNVOLENTIA
The 10th seminar for coordinators and educators of the 14 day care centers for children BUNVOLENTIA took place on Saturday, October 20, 2012 in Grigorauca village. The host was the direction of the day care center for children “Saint Maria“. Altogether 38 persons participated at the seminar. Each day care center was represented by 2 educators.
The seminar consisted of two steps. The first step on topic „Principles of development and mobilization of the commune with accent on children from disadvantaged families“ was led by a specialist in working with children and young people from disadvantaged families. The second step included the educators’ speeches. Each day care center could talk about recent activities and future plans and express its desires.
Student meeting 2012
To receive good education at a university – many young people from deprived families dream about it. Unfortunately, it remains only a dream for many of them.
Due to the support of Mr. Douglas Funk from „Solon Foundation“ 50 students from deprived families may continue their studies at a university from Moldova. Thus, a hope for a better future is rising.
Student meetings take place annually; within these meetings the conditions of the scholarship program (marks, social work, etc.) are discussed, contracts are signed. The student meeting was organized on 06.10.2012 this year. The students thanked to Mr. Funk for the offered opportunities.
The dreams come true
The day care center for children offer to the deprived children their first abilities and skills for a future profession, if they decide in favor of a manual work. Thus, a carpenter's workshop was set up in the day care center BUNVOLENTIA – Cozesti I, so that the boys may learn the carpenter art. Besides this practical occupation the boys dreamed about an additional room, where they could discover the art of willow plating. Their dreams come true today: a second room for the most desired occupation was set up in the carpenter's workshop.
We express our gratitude to the Sträuli family, Switzerland, and to the Swiss organization „Help for Children in Need“.
12.000 Euro on the occasion of a birthday
The former priest of Schierling, Hans Bock - a friend of the children in Moldova for nearly fifteen years - celebrated his 75 birthday and also the forty-year-ordination anniversary. He renounced personal gifts and asked for a donation for the work of PRO UMANITAS. The extraordinary amount of 12.000 Euro was gathered. The ordination anniversary was celebrated with a solemn mass in the pilgrimage church Mariaort, to which the president Vladimir Nadkrenitschnii was invited. He congratulated him and thanked for the friendship, as well as for the long-lasting support of PRO UMANITAS projects. Priest Bock pointed out to the church-goers within the divine service, how important the faith and the works are for a Christian. The former chairman of the parish council Fritz Wallner acknowledged the engaged priest that he is a good shepherd, as Christ wished him. Hundreds of church-goers congratulated the priest and helped him that he could help on his birthday again.
Federal feast of gratitude and prayer
From the divine service with Father Erwin Benz during the praying day of this year with harvest thanks in the church of Walterswil Baar/Zug, which was adorned by the choir in national costumes Baar, we could receive donation for the soup kitchen in Grigorauca. Together with all special contributions, the beautiful sum of CHFR 6'363.00 was gathered. The commune and the parish of Baar have already given substantial contributions. Our sincere thanks!
Prepared for the new school year
A new school year will take soon its beginning. Children will to go school with new forces after the summer holidays, in order to acquire new knowledge and abilities. But how could a productive educational process occur without school articles? Unfortunately, many parents do not have the possibility of purchasing the necessary school articles for their children. Therefore, we supplied the children, who visit our day care centers BUNVOLENTIA and the day care center “Saint Maria”, with school article. This action was financed by “Help for Children in Need “, Switzerland and “Menschen helfen e.V.“, Germany.
Benefit festival for the deprived children from Moldova
The kultUrknall-festival took place in Murnau on Lake Staffel on weekend, July 28th and 29th, 2012. It is a benefit festival, whose gains will be of much benefit mainly to the deprived children from the day care center „Saint Maria“ in Grigorauca village, Moldova.
KultUrkanall-festivals are music festivals, dragon shows, magnificent Middle Ages ceremonies with magicians, bards, musicians and craftsmen, theatre performances and beach parties. The benefit festival offered a beautiful Middle Ages show this year.
More information about the kultUrknall on www.kulturknall.de
„Hilfe für Osteuropa e.V.“, Germany – over 19 years in Moldova
Over 19 years the deprived people of Moldova have great assistance and support from the German organization „Hilfe für Osteuropa e.V.“, President Mrs. Ursula Honeck. Over 200 t of humanitarian aid were delivered to our country. In addition, the organization implemented many emergency aid projects that are continued today: Mrs. Honeck together with Mr. Köllner went to their next trip to Moldova and allocated money to the families in need within the god children-project.
It is an exemplary commitment, a fruitful cooperation, partnership and friendship.
Clean drinking water for the Gangura commune
Water – the source of life. Without question clean drinking water is of vital importance. The Gangura commune did not have good water for many years, because the only artesian well was located next to the cemetery. The dirty water caused health problems, especially affected were children and old people.
Therefore the villagers have no more concerns today. They feel exultant and happy, because they have now qualitative, good and clean drinking water. The most important institutions of the commune – the school, the small clinic and the kindergarten – were connected to the new water system.
The project was organized through our Swiss partner „Help for Children in Need “and financed by the German organization „Knorr-Bremse Global Care e.V.“.
Our warmest congratulations on forty-year-ordination anniversary
Next important steps
With God help and blessings we could undertake the next steps for supplying the Gangura commune with good, qualitative drinking water. The water tower was installed. The necessary technique for drilling of the artesian well was brought. The next measure is the drilling of the artesian well.
Summer camp for children from deprived families
Rotary Club visits the day care centers in Moldova
A present for Children’s Day
Water project for the Gangura commune – first steps towards a qualitative drinking water
A chance for a normal lifestyle
Medina Cucereavii is a nine years old girl, who had little hope of a normal life. When she was 7 months old, she became hard of hearing because of a medical error. Since then, Medina was sentenced to life in a silent world. Now, at age of 9, the girl goes to the day care center BUNVOLENTIA – Cojusna and must enter into communication with life. In order that this could happen, she needed an additional help – hearing aids. The hearing aids are very expensive. The mother of Medina is a single parent and has no financial possibility to purchase hearing aids. Thanks to the support of Franziskusgemeinschaft / Austria two hearing aids were bought for Medina, so that she got a new chance for a normal lifestyle.
Academicians celebrate - and think of Moldova
The academic society “Ruithonen” celebrated 111 years from its establishment on May 6, 2012, in Merlischachen on Lake Lucerne, Switzerland. The meeting culminated with a Mass, celebrated by father Erwin Benz. In this context, the family feast involved a collection for the soup kitchen in Grigorauca village.
Visit of the German organization “Menschen helfen e.V.” in Moldova
Helping people is not only a vocation, but also the name of the German organization “Menschen helfen e.V.” (in German “Helping people”) that tries very hard to offer a better future to the children from Grigorauca village. The organization provides active assistance to the needy people of Moldova since 2006. The board member of the above mentioned organization, Mr. Ingo Ingerl, the President of this organization Dr. Robert Roithmeier and other members, Mr. Leonhard Schrank and Mrs. Melanie Oswald (see photo 1) were on a trip to Moldova to visit their project – day care center “Saint Maria”, Grigorauca. At the same time they saw other projects of PU.
The 9th seminar for the coordinators and educators of the day care centers BUNVOLENTIA
The 9th seminar for the coordinators and educators of all day care centers BUNVOLENTIA was held in Grigorauca village on April 29th, 2012. Each day care center (altogether 14) was represented by two educators. The director of the daycare center “Saint Maria”, Mrs. Svetlana Pasa and her deputy, Mr. Anatol Secrieru were present at the meeting. The present persons could share their problems, difficulties, as well as their desires. The wonderful exhibition of children's works pleased all participants. This exhibition is not only stimulation and recognition, but also a source of new ideas for the further work of the day care centers. Competitions, awards ceremony and a concert with dancing and singing ended the seminar.
Mr. Peter Garst, President of “Help for children in need”, the Swiss partner of “PRO UMANITAS” emphasized in his speech how important the commitment of the coordinators and educators for the children’s future is. He concluded with the wish for all present: a good deed every day!
Dr. Robert Roithmeier, President of the German organization “Menschen helfen e.V.” and the three accompanying were guests at the seminar.
20th trip to Moldova of the President of HCN
The President of the Swiss organization “Help for Children in Need” (www.helpforchildren.ch), Mr. Peter Garst is on visit to Moldova at time, to see all projects of HCN; at the same time he is examining the possibility of implementing new projects. Mr. Garst traveled to different villages to the 14 day care centers for children BUNVOLENTIA. He was received with joy and gratitude everywhere. He will meet all coordinators and teachers during the 9th information and experience exchange seminar in Grigorauca on 28 April. Mr. Garst was happy with the progress and beautiful results of the day care centers that he saw within his visit and exhibition.
Project monitoring
Within his trip to Moldova, the authorized representative of PRO UMANITAS in Germany, Mr. Manfred Ahlbrecht visited our projects in the villages and the Tiraspol city / Transnistria. A special attention was paid to the already implemented projects (repair of the roof in the kindergarten in Petropavlovca village) and to the projects in progress (play grounds and pavilions for the kindergarten in Grigorauca village) that are financially supported by the German organization KINDERMISSIONSWERK. At the same time the possibility of implementing new projects was discussed.
Easter gift
The children from Petropavlovca village received a wonderful Paschal present from the German organization “KINDERMISSIONSWERK” – the roof of the kindergarten was repaired, the gutter and the rainwater pipes were installed, so that they may sleep under a dry roof during the day. In addition to these, the small veranda was completely repaired. Another surprise is awaiting our little ones – a new playground.
The priest of the local Catholic Church, Daniel Medves, the constructing engineer, Mr. Anatol Chiriac, the mayor, Mr. Anatol Hajevschi and the head of the kindergarten, Mrs. Galina Slobodeniuc (see photo 1 from left to right) accepted the construction works that were carried out.
The day care center for children “Saint Maria” could receive important guests
The Apostolic Nuncio and Archbishop of Moldova Msgr Francisc-Havier Losano came for a visit to our country and as part of this capacity attended the day care center “Saint Maria” and the sports and play ground in Grigorauca. The Archbishop was very impressed by the valuable services that are provided to the deprived children. He expressed his respect and thanks to everyone who made this project possible.
Our guests were delighted to accept the children’s handmade presents. Of course there was made a group picture of this encounter – from left to right: Daniel Medves, Pastor of Grigorauca village, Mgr Anton Cosa, Bishop of Moldova, Msgr Francisc-Havier Losano, Apostolic Nuncio of Romania and Moldova, Mr. Calice Henric, Legio Mariae, Austria.
Gallery was updated:
- Day care center for children "Freunde von der Heiligen Ioana Antida"
Modern flat panel displays for the children centers
Nowadays the role of computer is becoming very important. It is used in all fields today. Computer enables fast and wide access to different information. Many Moldovan children do not have computers at home. Computers that are used in rural schools during the informatics lessons are outdated and destructive to children’s health. Our children from the day care centers “Saint Maria” and BUNVOLENTIA take also computer lessons. Thanks to Hilfswerk Liechtenstein (President Mrs. Beatrice Amann) that delivered 30 modern flat panel displays with a transport of humanitarian aid, children can safely work on the computer.
The charitable action “Every day – a good deed” continues
The old ill women from Grigorauca were paid special attention to Women's Day. The children from the day care center “Saint Maria” came to their homes in order to give them self-made gifts – pillowcases, pinafores, kitchen towels, cutting boards, Martisor and the newspaper “Copiii Mariei”.
Charitable actions are also taken within our day care centers BUNVOLENTIA. The girls knit socks for old women, organize concerts for such actions.
Women’s Day celebrated in Grigorauca
Pro Moldavia e.V. – for people in need from Moldova
Annual general meeting of PRO UMANITAS
The next annual general meeting with the founders and members of PRO UMANITAS took place on 16 February, 2012. The cornerstone of the meeting was the presentation of the results of our activities during the year 2011 and the approval of the work plan and budget for the year 2012.
It's warm here
It is dark and cold outside, without the warm sunbeams, giving the earth their warmth. But it's warm and sunny in a child's heart, when it has ensured its bread and an occupation. Things like that happen in our day care center for children BUNVOLENTIA – Cojusna, where children found a home.
This could experience our Minister of Labour, Family and Social Protection, Mrs. Valentina Buliga, as she came to visit to the center on February the 2nd, 2012. She warmly thanked the sponsors for everything that was done for these children.
We would like to inform our partners and friends that the electronic version of the Activity report 2011 is available now
Productive collaboration in Moldova
Dear guests from Germany came to Moldova – Mrs. Ursula Honeck and Mr. Gunther Köllner from "Hilfe für Osteuropa e.V.". A special and touching event within their visit was the meeting with godchildren and families. Over 17 years Mrs. Honeck supports her godchildren in Moldova. She also visited different hospitals, the metropolitanate of Moldova and other projects.